How much to exercise while pregnant

How much to exercise while pregnant

“How much should I exercise?” This is a frequent discussion with my clinic patients. Some women share they keep a routine because they know it’s good for them, even though they hate it. Others are convinced doing chores around the house all day is...
Just breathe…

Just breathe…

When I instruct people on how to exercise properly, I always talk about breathing. Why? Because the diaphragm (the key muscle used to take a deep breath) is an important part of our core muscles. Deep breathing also can help mobilize the spine and calm the nervous...
Getting ready for baby during covid-19

Getting ready for baby during covid-19

As an expecting mom, you are already dealing with anxieties surrounding delivery and motherhood. Now in this time of COVID-19, there is a whole new layer of stress to navigate. Your well-laid plans that you had for delivering your baby may be significantly altered....