by Jenn Lane | Mar 29, 2021 | Digestion, Postpartum
Were you constipated during pregnancy and hoping it would clear up after childbirth? Constipation during pregnancy is due to the baby putting pressure on your intestines. Or maybe your prenatal vitamins stopped you up. If your current toileting woes are getting you...
by Jenn Lane | Mar 29, 2021 | Exercise, Pregnant, Wellness
“How much should I exercise?” This is a frequent discussion with my clinic patients. Some women share they keep a routine because they know it’s good for them, even though they hate it. Others are convinced doing chores around the house all day is...
by Jenn Lane | Mar 20, 2021 | Postpartum, Urinary Health
Do you have severe urgency throughout the day? Do you find yourself always knowing where bathrooms are, calculating how long you will be away from home or avoiding activities that may take you away from easy access to a bathroom? Do you wear pads, panty liners or do...
by Jenn Lane | Mar 17, 2021 | Digestion, Pregnant
As your tummy has been growing, you might notice you are getting constipated. What is this all about and what can you do about it? Well, the bottom line is that everything in our body is connected. Changes in one area of the body impacts another. Constipation can...
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